An Outsider's Perspective

An Outsider's Perspective

I pride myself in taking advice on board and reaching out when I need help. If my company, Zealify, was ever struggling with a problem I’d ask for advice and look for best practice. But what if we didn’t know something was wrong? What if my team and I, whilst being in the trenches trying to grow our company, had developed a blindspot that was ultimately hurting us.

A Beginners Guide To Employer Branding

A Beginners Guide To Employer Branding

These are some basic foundations for starting to build your employer brand. Your employer brand should show the personality and culture of your organisation. It allows candidates to engage further with your organisation and really find their fit. The companies on Zealify are enhancing their employer brand with an in depth view into their culture, but if you are looking to start small and understand what employer branding is then this is where to look